Building Your Down Payment

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Lots of buyers qualify for a mortgage loan, but they don't have a lot of money to pay a down payment. Here are a few straightforward methods that will help you put together a down payment

Reduce expenses and save. Be on the look-out for ways you can reduce your expenses to put away money for a down payment. There are bank programs through which some of your take-home pay is automatically placed into savings every pay period. Some effective approaches to build up funds include moving into housing that is less expensive, and staying local for your family vacation for a year or two.

Sell things you don't really need and get a second job. Look for a second job. This can be rough, but the temporary difficulty can help you get your down payment. In addition, you can make an exhaustive inventory of items you can sell. Unused gold jewelry can be sold at local jewelry stores. You may own collectibles you can put up for sale at an auction website, or household goods for a tag or garage sale. Also, you can consider selling any investments you own.

Borrow money from a retirement plan. Check the provisions of your specific program. Some people get down payment money from withdrawing funds from their IRAs or borrowing from 401(k) programs. Others will take out an advance on their credit cards, provided that the credit card processor will allow this type of risky transaction. You will want to be sure you are clear about any penalties, the way this may affect on your income taxes, and repayment obligation.

Ask for help from generous family members. First-time homebuyers sometimes receive help with their down payment help from thoughtful family members who are willing to help them get into their first home. Your family members may be eager to help you reach the goal of owning your own home.

Research housing finance agencies. Special mortgage programs are given to homebuyers in certain circumstances, like low income homebuyers or buyers looking to remodel houses in a targeted part of town, among others. Financing with a housing finance agency, you can be given an interest rate that is below market, down payment help and other advantages. These kinds of agencies can assist eligible buyers with a lower rate of interest, get you your down payment, and provide other assistance. The principal goal of non-profit housing finance agencies is build up residential ownership in targeted places.

Learn about low-down and no-down mortgage loans.

  • Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages

    The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), a part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), plays a critical part in helping low to moderate-income Americans get mortgages. Part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD), FHA (Federal Housing Administration) helps individuals get FHA provides mortgage insurance to private lenders, ensuring the buyers are eligible for a mortgage. Down payment sums for FHA loans are smaller than those with conventional mortgage loans, even though these loans hold current interest rates. The down payment can be as low as 3 percent while the closing costs may be financed in the mortgage.

  • VA loans

    With a guarantee from the Department of Veterans Affairs, a VA loan assists service people and veterans. This special loan requires no down payment, has limited closing costs, and provides a competitive rate of interest. While the VA does not actually provide the mortgages, it does issue a certificate of eligibility to apply for a VA loan.

  • Piggy-back loans

    A piggy-back loan is a second mortgage that you close with the first. Usually the piggyback loan is for 10 percent of the purchase amount, while the first mortgage finances 80 percent. In contrast to the traditional 20 percent down payment, the buyer just has to cover the remaining 10 percent.

  • Carry-Back loans

    In a "carry back" agreement, the seller agrees to loan you some of his home equity to help you get your down payment money. You would borrow the largest portion of the purchase price from a traditional mortgage lending institution and borrow the remaining amount from the seller. Typically you will pay a somewhat higher rate with the loan from the seller.

The satisfaction will be the same, no matter which method you use to pull together the down payment. Your brand new home will be well worth it!

Need to talk about your down payment? Give us a call: (702) 575-3757.