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The Importance of Pre-Qualification

Looking for mortgage advice? We will be glad to assist you! Give us a call today at 702-796-3453 x3055. Ready to begin? Apply Here.

Even if you've not researched homes to visit yet, it is valuable to contact your mortgage loan professional first. What for? What can we do for you if you haven't made an offer, and don't yet know the amount you need to borrow?

We Will Help You Pre-Qualify

We will help you calculate how much of a mortgage loan you can afford, and the amount of money you can borrow, by taking you through the pre-qualification process. In the process, we calculate your borrowing power - analyzing your employment, available money for down payment, debts, income, and other circumstances. It is a quick, thorough process with minimal risks for papercuts.

Once you qualify, we present to you what's called a Pre-Qualification Letter (your real estate agent might refer to it as a "pre-qual"), that says that we are helping you to find the ideal mortgage loan program to meet your financial needs and that we're confident you'll qualify for a mortgage loan for up to a specific amount.

Power in the Pre-Qual

Armed with your pre-qualification letter, a number of advantages are yours at the point you locate the home you want to make an offer on. The first is that you'll be sure what you'll be able to afford when determining the offer. Being pre-qualified can also make your offer look even better to the seller, as if you were bringing them a suitcase of cash! They won't need to be concerned that they're wasting their time if you don't have the ability to qualify for a big enough mortgage loan. The seller won't wonder if he can trust you to qualify for your mortgage in the amount you'll need.Your qualifying for the necessary mortgage loan amount won't be something for them to be concerned about. You'll have the clout of a buyer ready to make the deal right now!

We will help you with your pre-qualification

We can help you see how much of a mortgage loan you can afford, and how much money you can borrow, by taking you through pre-qualifying. In this process, we look at your capacity to borrow - reviewing your job, available money for down payment, debt, income, and other circumstances. It's quick and to the point; and we keep the paperwork light.

Face to Face

While you can use our mortgage calculators on our website, it will be essential to sit down and talk with one of our mortgage professional team members. That way, we'll help you get your pre-qualification letter. For another thing, we might be able to find a different mortgage option that is a better fit for you. We're waiting to meet with you: call us at 702-796-3453 x3055.

Have questions about pre-qualifying? Call us at 702-796-3453 x3055. Residential Mortgage Services answers pre-qualifying questions every day.