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Verifying Your Down Payment,
Closing Costs, Assets, Income and Debts

 Application Checklist

Use my Application Checklist to gather the  documentation requested by most lenders.

A critical step in the mortgage loan application process is to verify the sources for your down payment, closing costs and assets, as well as documenting income and debts. The lender uses this step to determine your qualifications as a borrower. 

Down Payment & Closing Costs

Documenting that the down payment comes from your savings and that you will have savings and/or assets over and above the down payment gives the lender confidence in your strength as a borrower and your ability to repay the loan.

Take extra care to document the sources for any monies to be used for the down payment or closing costs.

Acceptable Down Payment & Closing Costs Sources

  • Cash in a bank account
  • Mutual funds / stocks / IRA / 401(K)
  • Proceeds from the sale of another property
  • Gift from an immediate relative


Collect information about your personal assets that add to your net worth and help to prove your credit worthiness.

 Common Assets Considered in a Mortgage Loan Application

  • Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401(K) and retirement accounts

  • Life insurance

  • Personal property estimate - cars, boats, antiques, jewelry, etc.

  • Other real estate or property

Income and Employment

The lender will want to confirm your current gross income and have evidence of stable employment. Documentation requirements vary depending upon a number of factors - including the source of income (hourly, salary, salary + bonuses, salary + commission, commission, self-employed, etc.).


Your lender will want to review a list of all your current debts. This along with your credit report will provide the lender with a snapshot of your obligations. The lender will want to confirm that you will not be overextended when the mortgage payment is added to your current debt load.